Transforming the Party
The rules are rigged against progressives — and that’s why we’re fighting to take the Democratic party back from the corporate class.
Over the past 3 years, Our Revolution’s grassroots activism has been changing the Democratic Party from the inside out. Our work led to changes in the presidential primary process to ensure that every vote counts — including a Democratic National Committee resolution that limits the influence of superdelegates. We led the outcry against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s blacklist policy — delivering 30,000 petitions to DCCC Chair Cheri Bustos, and holding numerous rallies outside her office — putting the pressure on the House Democrat’s campaign machine to open the doors of power wide. And Our Revolution members, led by board members Jane Kleeb and Shailene Woodley, organized across the country to get the Democratic National Committee to hold a climate debate. We were successful in adopting a resolution to establish a DNC Environmental and Climate Crisis Council chaired by Michelle Deatrick, a leader of OR Michigan and DNC member.
We’ll keep fighting and we won’t stop until the Democratic Party truly reflects the values of accessibility, transparency, and inclusivity that are vital to our political revolution.